Permit Jack
Trachinotus falcatusThe large, silver-disk shape of the Permit is unmistakable. Juveniles will often school along sandy beach areas in surf, sometimes with juvenile Palometas. The big fellows will frequent bays searching for their food which consists of shell fish, mollusks, crabs, shrimps and small fishes. They have a jaw like a nut cracker. There have been times in the water, while snorkeling in bays, I'll hear a clicking or snapping sound. I think it may be either a Permit chomping on snail shells or a Red Snapping Shrimp. Note the orange/gold color at the start of the anal fin, a distinguishing identifier. They also will usually have a black smudge on their side when adult. Adults are solitary and I've been lucky to have a few come cruising by me. Picture # 3 is a Permit and a Palometa together so you can compare.

Palometa on the left, Permit one the right

