Octopus There are several species that inhabit the waters in the Caribbean. This page shows two of them.Scientists have discovered that the octopus is an extremely intelligent animal that possesses problem solving skills that would challenge the smartest of our four legged companions. Their skill at camouflage, the ability to change the color and texture of their skin to match their surroundings, and change shape to mimic another animal's is astounding. Other survival shills include releasing a smoke screen of black ink to cover their escape route and shedding an arm if nabbed. They can grow a new one in it's place. When they look at you, you know there's a definite thought process going on behind those watchful eyes. The common octopus can be found in most marine environments. I've seen them along rocky shorelines in areas of surge, I've seen them calm water in dead coralhead structures. You can tell an Octopus lair by the empty mollusk shells littering the doorway (See last pictures). Most are actually quite small, measuring 12-24" if their legs were extended and at rest. To see the incredible talent at the art of camouflage, see what just one octopus can do. CLICK HERE

